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Accessibility in the Arts

Resources to empower individuals of all abilities to engage with the arts

Navigating the New Normal

Helping you tackle our sector’s biggest challenges

Referral Directory

Find consultants, grant writers, and venues in our digital listing of nonprofit service providers

Online Learning

Free professional development resources for artists, offered in partnership with Creative Capital

Past Programs


Outdoor, audience-building arts programming in Downtown Detroit

Future of Work

Promoting wellbeing and exploring new strategies for work

Digital Access for the Arts

Supporting arts and culture organizations embracing digital technology

Watch This Space 2021

Virtual symposium on art and sustainability


Missed a CultureSource event? You can download the event’s summary document which features key takeaways and resources.

June 25, 2024

Announcing our Tech and Arts Learning Cohort

April 25, 2024

CultureSource launches fund for culture workers of color alongside Ford, Kresge, Ann Arbor Area Foundations

March 6, 2024

Announcing Our FY24 Round 2 Minigrant Recipients

October 17, 2023

Announcing Round One 2024 Minigrant Recipients

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