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From September through December, 2022, CultureSource has offered a series of monthly marketing workshops to help arts organizations learn new skills to build their audiences.

Our second workshop was presented by Marx Layne, a Detroit-based Public Relations and Digital Marketing agency, to present the Holiday Marketing and Media Training program to help participants gain a better understanding of how the media works and improve confidence when speaking to journalists. This session emphasized real-world scenarios and focus on the upcoming Holiday performances and markets.

Key Takeaways
  1. Think about the “WOW” factor in order to catch the attention of the news organization.
  2. “Practice, practice, practice” in order to be well prepared and articulate your event in your own words.
  3. The more you can get your event out there (via e-blast, social media, etc.), the higher your chance of being seen by the media.
  4. Create a graphically pleasing pitch answering the who/what/when/where/how of your initiative and emphasizing the subject line to evoke emotion.
  5. Focus on building relationships with the media, not just for your event, but deeper and more genuine relationships with individuals.

Download this graphic recording.

You can save these key takeaways by downloading this page as a PDF.
