We are proud to have artists, philanthropists, and 170+ cultural organizations from Southeast Michigan in our alliance. For organizations, CultureSource membership is renewed annually, and applications and renewals are accepted anytime.
Our monthly member roundup features good news and major accomplishments from CultureSource members.
A Host of People
a2ru (The Alliance for the Arts In Research Universities)
Accent Pontiac
African American Cultural and Historical Museum of Washtenaw County
Akropolis Quintet Inc.
Ann Arbor Art Center
Ann Arbor Film Festival
Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum
Ann Arbor Potters Guild
Ann Arbor Summer Festival
Anton Art Center
Arab American National Museum
Art as Healing Foundation
ArtLab J
Arts & Scraps
Automotive Hall of Fame
Ballet Chelsea
Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center
Black and Brown Theatre
Brighton Arts & Culture Commission
CAN Art & Design
Capturing Belief
Caribbean Cultural and Carnival Organization
Chaldean Cultural Center
Chamber Music Society of Detroit
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History
City of Farmington Hills Cultural Arts Division
Class Act Detroit
College for Creative Studies
Concert of Colors
Cranbrook Academy of Art
Cranbrook Art Museum
Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research
Cranbrook Educational Community
Cranbrook House & Gardens
Cranbrook Institute of Science
Crescendo Detroit
Deaf Professional Arts Network (D-PAN)
Design Core Detroit
Detroit Area Art Deco Society
Detroit Art Review
Detroit Artists Market
Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings
Detroit Children’s Choir
Detroit Concert Choir
Detroit Dance Theatre
Detroit Historical Museum
Detroit Historical Society
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Medical Orchestra
Detroit Opera
Detroit Public Television
Detroit Public Theatre
Detroit Puppet Company
Detroit Repertory Theatre
Detroit Sound Conservancy
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Detroit Women of Color, Inc.
Detroit Zoological Society
Digital Arts, Film & Television (DAFT)
Dossin Great Lakes Museum
Downriver Council for the Arts
DPL Foundation
Eastern Market Partnership
Eastern Michigan University Arts Management & Administration Programs
Eisenhower Dance Detroit
Enter Stage Right
FAR Therapeutic Arts and Recreation
Farmington Community Arts Council
Flagstar Strand Theatre
Ford House
Ford Piquette Avenue Plant Museum
Friends of Historical Hamtramck
Friends of the Alger Theater
Garage Cultural
Geez Press
Girls Rock Detroit
Gratiot Avenue Business Alliance
Great Lakes Arts Foundation
Great Lakes Chamber Music Festival
Great Lakes Performing Artist Associates
Great Lakes Taiko Center
Grosse Pointe Theatre
Hamtramck Parks Conservancy
Hannan Center
Hellenic Museum of Michigan
Henry Ford Estate
Heritage Works
Holocaust Memorial Center
Huron Valley Council for the Arts
InsideOut Literary Arts Project
Jewish Ferndale
Leslie Science & Nature Center
Lil Dumplins
Live Coal
Living Arts
Livonia Civic Chorus
Lorenzo Cultural Center
Macomb Ballet Company
Macomb Center for the Performing Arts
Madrigal Chorale
Matrix Theatre Company
Meadow Brook Hall
Meadow Brook Theatre
Metropolitan Museum of Design Detroit (MM-O-DD)
Mexicantown Community Development Corporation (MCDC)
Michigan Arts Access
Michigan Ceramic Art Association
Michigan Dance Council
Michigan Interscholastic Forensic Association (MIFA)
Michigan Philharmonic
Michigan Science Center
Mint Artists Guild
Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit
Motor City Brass Band
Motor City Cinema Society
Motor City Sings
Motor City Street Dance Academy
Motown Historical Museum
MSU Community Music School-Detroit
Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD)
Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts
Music on Belle Isle Group
Neutral Zone
Northville Art House
Oakland Choral Society
Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society
Oakland University Art Gallery
Oakland University School of Music, Theatre and Dance
Open Book Theatre Company
Opera MODO
Orion Art Center
Paint A Miracle
Paint Creek Center for the Arts
Pewabic Pottery
Planet Ant Theatre, Inc.
Player’s Guild of Dearborn
Playground Detroit
Plowshares Theatre Company
Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC)
Plymouth Community Arts Council
Pontiac’s Little Art Theatre
Popps Packing
Prison Creative Arts Project
PuppetART Detroit Puppet Theater
Que Blackout
Riverside Arts Center
Rotary Club of Ann Arbor
Scarab Club
Science Gallery Detroit (Michigan State University)
Seafoam Palace Museum
Shua Group Arts
Sidewalk Detroit
Spectrum Orchestra
Sphinx Organization
St. Clair Art Association
Stamelos Gallery Center
TeMaTe Institute for Black Dance and Culture
The Academy of Early Music
The Ark
The Art Experience
The Arts Alliance
The Arts League of Michigan/The Carr Center
The Boychoir of Ann Arbor
The Concrete Oasis Project
The Detroit Actor’s Theatre Company
The Detroit Creativity Project
The Freer House
The Henry Ford
The Inspired Acting Company
The N’Namdi Center for Contemporary Art
The Purple Rose Theatre Company
The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers
The Village Theater at Cherry Hill
The War Memorial
Theatre and Dance at Wayne
Thistle Rose Academy of Arts
Trinity House Theatre
Troy Historic Village
Ukrainian American Archives & Museum
University Musical Society
University of Michigan Arts & Culture
University of Michigan Arts Initiative
University of Michigan College of Literature, Science and the Arts
University of Michigan Detroit Center
University of Michigan Institute for the Humanities
University of Michigan Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
University of Michigan Libraries
University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum
University of Michigan Museum of Art
University of Michigan Museum of Natural History
University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance
University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design
University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning
Village Fine Arts Association
Vincent York’s Jazzistry
Voce Velata
WAABEL Start-Up Studio
We Are Culture Creators
Women of Banglatown
Women’s Caucus for Art, Michigan Chapter
WonderFool Productions
WRCJ 90.9 FM
Y Arts
Ypsilanti Youth Orchestra
Artists, arts educators, curators, organizers, and journalists play a vital role in our coalition. These individuals support the arts ecosystem and create links between organizations and audiences. Individuals who receive grants from CultureSource are granted individual membership.
Explore Members
Adrienne Trupiano-Stepaniak
Ajara Alghali
Alexander Smith
Alrita Williams
Alvin Hill
Amanda Coffee
Amara Vear
Andre Reed
Andrea Shroeder
Andrew Morton
Angel Ingram
Anita-Joyce Barnes
Asha Jordan
Ashley Cook
Asia Blaney
Asia Hamilton
Asiana Scott
Audra Wist
Avery Williamson
Ayanna Coleman
Benito “Mav-One” Vasquez
Benjamin Gaydos
Benjamin Williams
Bernycia Askew
bree gant
Brian Oscar
Brittany King
Bruce Harper
Chanel Beebe
Chaz Miller
Chelsea Flowers
Cherry Wood
Chien-An Yuan
Clare Gatto
Colibri Harris
Colleen Jones
Cooper Holoweski
Crystal Gause
Cyrah Dardas
DaTrice Clark
Danielle Eliska-Lyle
Danielle Wright
Danielle Yarmoluk
Danya Ensing
Dasia Werts
Denise Moore
Denise Rohde
Dominique Campbell
Donna Jackson
Dylan Spaysky
Eileen Ho
Eleanor Oakes
Elijah Meisse
Elisandra Rosario
Elizabeth Stone
Ellen Rutt
Emilio Rodriguez
Emily Kokay
Erin Brott-Holtzman
Eugene Harris
Flor Hernandez
Frances Kai-Hwa Wang
Frannie Shepherd-Bates
Gabriel Herrera-Duran
Garnette Archer
Gerrard Allen
Hadassah GreenSky
Halima Cassells
Ian Matchett
Iman Saleh
Imani Mixon
Ingrid Racine
Jacob Ward
Jainelle Robinson
James Shanek
Jennifer Harge
Jennifer Jones
Jennifer Stacey
Jenny Vaughn
Joel Peterson
John Gonzalez
John Wood
Jonah Raduns-Silverstein
Joseph Darling
Kaleigh Wilder
Karilú Alarcon Forshee
Karl Wenclas
Karyn Stetz
Kasia Bielak-Hoops
Kathleen Parks
Katie Shulman
Kaylan Waterman
Kelsey Ronan
Kesiena Wanogho
Kim Fay
Kindra Parker
Kristen VanAndel
LaDawn Peterson
LaShaun Kotaran
Laura Brown
Laura Gibson
Lauren Uchalik
Leith Campbell
Leo Margolis
Levi Stroud
Linda Hendricks
Lindsay McCaw
Lori Stratton
Lu Fuki
Lynnette Roberson
Marion Hayden
Mark Loeb
Markita Moore
Marlynne Willingham
Matthew J. Green (Jaye Green)
Megan Heeres
Michael Manson
Mike Ross
Nathaniel Mullen
Nick Azzaro
Paloma Núñez-Regueiro
Patricia Beard
Paulina Petkoski
Raymond Elwart Jr
Rebecca Mazzei
Reshounn Foster
Rick Robinson
Rosemarie Wilson
Ruth Koelewyn
Sara Nishikawa
Sarah Blanchette
Sarah Sharp
saylem celeste
Sean Davidson
Shaina Baira
Shanna Maurizi
Sierra Lambert
Stephanie Glazier
Steve Panton
Sunshine Durant
Tamara Johnson
Taraneh Fazeli
Taylor Greenshields
Tony Whitfield
T’onna Clemons
Ulysses Newkirk
Vickie Elmer
Virginia Torrence
Wayne Curtis
Woodrow Hoffer II
Xavier Jones
Yhasmin Wilder
Zaire Daniels
Zllen McCollum
Foundations that support CultureSource, and arts program officers that participate in CultureSource roundtables, comprise our philanthropic membership. We regularly convene our allies from local and national foundations to keep them informed of the challenges and opportunities facing many arts organizations.
Explore Members
Adam DesJardins, Erb Family Foundation
Aimee Lanciault, A. Alfred Taubman Foundation
Alex Flannery, Michigan Arts and Culture Council
Alison Watson, Michigan Arts & Culture Council
Amina Iqbal, Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation
Andrea Scobie, Gilbert Family Foundation
Candice Kita, Kresge Foundation
Chelsea Landry, Fisher Foundation
Christie Peck, Peck Foundation
Eric Phamdo, Wilson Foundation
Gaby McKee, Detroit Pistons Foundation
George Jacobson, William Davidson Foundation
Greg Yankee, Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
Inés Familiar, Miller Kresge Foundation
JJ Velez, Gilbert Family Foundation
Jennifer Farah, Knight Foundation
Koven Smith, Knight Foundation
Leah Counts, Gilbert Family Foundation
Mia Khimm, Joyce Foundation
Micaela Reardon, Detroit Pistons Foundation
Michael Shaw, Hudson Webber Foundation
Michelle D. Johnson, Kresge Foundation
Patricia Hinojosa, DTE Energy Foundation
Rocío Aranda-Alvarado, Ford Foundation
Sigal Hemy, Detroit Parks Coalition
Tara Tuomaala, Erb Family Foundation
Vadim Avshalumov, William Davidson Foundation
Yuki Numata Resnick, Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo