Fisher Arts Education Minigrants
Recommend a Teacher for Funding
Calling all CultureSource member organizations! Do you work with a preK-3 teacher in Wayne County that you think is out of this world? Are they a champion for arts education work in their classroom? Nominate them below for a Fisher Arts Education Minigrant. We will contact them to learn more about how they use arts education practices in their classroom and potentially make a grant to their school to support the purchase of arts equipment and supplies or provide funds for field trip transportation costs.
In partnership with the Max M. & Marjorie Fisher Foundation
Are you connected to an educator in Wayne County who works with preK through 3rd grade students? Are they a champion for the arts in their classroom? If the resounding answer is yes, then recommend them for a Fisher Arts Education Minigrant.
Minigrants will be made to schools for the following uses:
- Up to $1,500 for Arts Equipment and Supplies, for purchasing new music stands, repairing instruments, buying more drying racks, paintbrushes, a couple of clarinets, and more.
- Up to $500 for Field Trips, to help support bus and transportations costs of field trips to places of artistic and/or cultural significance in the region, like a tour of the Ford Piquette Plant, visit to the Arab American National Museum, or school day performance at the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.
To be eligible for a Fisher Arts Education Minigrant, the following criteria must be met:
- The recommended teacher must work for an accredited school, geographically located in Wayne County. This program is open to accredited preK-12 institutions, public or non-public schools, private schools, home schools, school districts, intermediate school district/regional educational service agencies or accredited Head Start program.
- The recommended teacher must work with preK through 3rd grade students.
- The recommended teacher must use arts education practices in their classroom; eligible teachers include music teachers, visual arts teachers, school librarians, educators who would like to take a culturally-focused field trip, and more.
Recommend a Teacher
In Collaboration With:
For questions about the Fisher Arts Education Minigrant Program, send us an email at [email protected].