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Fisher Arts Education Minigrants

Recommend a Teacher for Funding

Calling all CultureSource member organizations! Do you work with a preK-3 teacher in Wayne County that you think is out of this world? Are they a champion for arts education work in their classroom? Nominate them below for a Fisher Arts Education Minigrant. We will contact them to learn more about how they use arts education practices in their classroom and potentially make a grant to their school to support the purchase of arts equipment and supplies or provide funds for field trip transportation costs.

In partnership with the Max M. & Marjorie Fisher Foundation

Are you connected to an educator in Wayne County who works with preK through 3rd grade students? Are they a champion for the arts in their classroom? If the resounding answer is yes, then recommend them for a Fisher Arts Education Minigrant.

Minigrants will be made to schools for the following uses:

  • Up to $1,500 for Arts Equipment and Supplies, for purchasing new music stands, repairing instruments, buying more drying racks, paintbrushes, a couple of clarinets, and more.
  • Up to $500 for Field Trips, to help support bus and transportations costs of field trips to places of artistic and/or cultural significance in the region, like a tour of the Ford Piquette Plant, visit to the Arab American National Museum, or school day performance at the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.


To be eligible for a Fisher Arts Education Minigrant, the following criteria must be met:

  • The recommended teacher must work for an accredited school, geographically located in Wayne County. This program is open to accredited preK-12 institutions, public or non-public schools, private schools, home schools, school districts, intermediate school district/regional educational service agencies or accredited Head Start program.
  • The recommended teacher must work with preK through 3rd grade students.
  • The recommended teacher must use arts education practices in their classroom; eligible teachers include music teachers, visual arts teachers, school librarians, educators who would like to take a culturally-focused field trip, and more.

Recommend a Teacher


Recommend a teacher using the form below by Monday February 3, 2025. Make sure that they fit the eligibility criteria.

Eligible teachers will receive a call from CultureSource staff notifying them of their recommendation or a Fisher Arts Education Minigrant. CultureSource staff will ask a few questions to learn more about their work, their arts education needs for arts equipment and supplies or field trips, and how they would spend the funding for their classrooms, in lieu of a formal grant application.

Following this conversation and confirming their work is eligible for funding, CultureSource will make minigrant payments via check to the teacher’s school to support their arts equipment and supplies investments or field trip plans.

Recipients of the Fisher Arts Education Minigrants are invited to share the impacts of the funding with CultureSource staff via email or phone.

In Collaboration With:


For questions about the Fisher Arts Education Minigrant Program, send us an email at [email protected].

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